Parent Handbook


Liberty Christian Church Early Education Center

Our objective is to provide an atmosphere in which your child may grow, physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally by providing developmentally appropriate learning experiences. Our philosophy is that children learn by hands-on sensorial experiences and interacting with their environment, peers and resource people.

Children learn to respect and acknowledge differences in abilities and talents, and value each person for their strengths.

Teachers are facilitators in a learning environment. The role of the teacher is to facilitate interactions among children to provide opportunities for development of self-esteem, social competence and intellectual growth.

Our center is a non-profit organization that is sponsored by the Liberty Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are licensed by the Missouri Department of Health to provide care for fifty-two children ages two through six years.

Enrollment forms are available once the child is accepted into the program. A child is considered enrolled when all of the required forms are on file at the center.

The center is an equal opportunity provider.

Applications for enrollment are considered without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law.



Parents are welcome in the program at all times. Our teachers would like to work together with the families, establishing and maintaining two-way communication with children’s parents to build trust and mutual understanding, and to ensure that children’s learning and developmental needs are met.

An annual family survey will be distributed to obtain information from our parents so we may continually improve the center’s program.

At Liberty Christian Church Early Education Center we recognize our parents as the most important adult in their child’s life. We strive to create a partnership built on mutual respect between parents and center staff. Our doors are open to parents at all times.

Parent’s attitudes and involvement play a big role in a child’s education. You are encouraged to communicate with the staff in anyway that will enhance the progress of your child.

When a parent has a question or a concern the procedure for seeking a solution is as follows.

First, consult with the teacher. If the concern is not resolved, second consult the director. If the parent is concerned that the director has not considered all the facts in the situation, it may be discussed further. The grievance should be in writing, signed by the parent and addressed to the Liberty Christian Church Early Education Center Board. The director then notifies the board chairperson of this grievance. The decision rendered in a problem situation by the board will be final.

We do our best to provide your child with a safe physical environment and an atmosphere where he or she can feel both secure and free to grow at his or her own pace under our love and guidance. You can help us achieve these goals by giving us your comments, suggestions and daily involvement. We are looking forward to working with you.

Please call 816-781-7654 anytime you would like to set up a consultation with your child’s teacher or director.



Our teachers recognize that young children are active learners. The curriculum engages children actively in the learning process, provides a variety of developmentally appropriate learning experiences and encourages children to pursue their own interests.

The teachers are experienced in working with children. Each child is perceived as an individual and the teaching is aimed toward the diverse levels of understanding and maturity within the group.

Our teachers further their professional educational development by attending conferences and workshops for early childhood educators. Each member of our teaching staff meets and exceeds the training hours and licensing standards as defined by the State of Missouri.

The children are introduced to music, art, biblical/educational stories, and pre-academics through group and independent developmentally appropriate activities. Emphasis is on developing a positive self-concept and the refinement of fine and gross motor skills, social skills and language development.

Parent/Teacher conferences are held at least once a year and at other times, as needed, to discuss children’s progress, accomplishments, and difficulties at home and at the program.




Upon the first day of enrollment a notarized enrollment form and immunization record must be on file in order to comply with state regulations. A physical examination report is required and must be received within the first thirty days of attendance. An authorization form for release of your child is optional and must be notarized.

Registration for enrollment in the summer program begins April 1st. Registration for enrollment in the fall program begins June 1st.



Your child needs to bring a small blanket for nap time. It will be sent home each Friday to wash and then return it on Monday.

A complete change of clothes including pants or shorts, shirt, underwear and socks. Please change the extra clothing in the child’s container according to the season. Parents provide their own disposable diapers and wipes if applicable.



It is desirable that children dress so as not to be inhibited from participation in messy art activities or active play.

Please dress your child in simple clothing in order to develop self-reliance.

Adequate outdoor clothing should be provided according to the weather. Include a hat and mittens in cold weather, boots in snowy or rainy weather.

Please mark your child’s coat or jacket with your child’s name.



Please leave all toys at home with the exception of a toy for nap time. The center cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage to any personal possessions children bring to the center.



A $15.00 charge will be assessed for checks returned by the bank for any reason. Cash or cashier’s checks will be required as payment for a returned check. Your account may be put on a cash-only basis after two returned checks.



Parents who pick up their children after the regular closing time of 6:00 p.m. are charged a late fee of $5.00. After 6:05 p.m., a fee of $1.00 per minute per child will be charged to the parent for the late pick up. Excessive (3) violations of the pick up policy will result in withdrawal from the program. Please arrange an alternate person to pick up your child if you are unable to arrive by 6:00 p.m.



The center requests one full weeks notice prior to the last day of attendance. Any earlier notice would be appreciated. In the event the center discontinues child care services for an individual child, the center would refund the tuition paid for the days the child care services has not been provided.



In the State of Missouri, child care providers are mandated reporters of incidents involving abuse or neglect of a child. A report of suspected child abuse or neglect will be given to the Missouri Division of Family Services at 1-800-392-3738.



Teachers use positive techniques of guidance including logical or natural consequences, self-calming time applied in problem situations, redirection and encouragement of recognized appropriate behaviors.

It is important for you to notify a staff member if your child is experiencing a change in the home environment that may result in behavioral differences.

Attempts will be made to meet a child’s individual needs. Any child who demonstrates an inability to benefit from the care offered by the center or whose presence is detrimental to the other children may be discharged from the center. Care of a child may be discontinued if the center staff and the parent or guardian cannot establish a mutually satisfactory working relationship.



According to city ordinance Sec. 22-59: “It shall be unlawful for any person given charge of a child 10 years of age or less unattended or unsupervised in a motor vehicle unless a person 14 years of age or older also is present in such motor vehicle.” Therefore, do not leave a child in the parking lot unattended in a motor vehicle.



Our center requires that no food or drink be brought into the center except for a special occasion (parties, birthday treats). We ask that you bring enough treats for all the children to have in your child’s classroom. Therefore, we ask that all food and drink be finished before bringing your child into the center.



Meals or snacks are planned to meet the child’s nutritional requirements as recommended by the Missouri Department of Health. The meals are served family style and the children are encouraged to pray, serve/feed themselves and assist with cleaning as part of the learning experience.

Breakfast, consisting of fresh fruit, cereal and milk, is served at 9:00 a.m.

A well-balanced, nutritious lunch, which meets the Missouri Department of Health standards, is served at 12:00 p.m.

Fruit juice and a bread product is served as a snack at 3:00 p.m.

Weekly menus will be posted on the hallway bulletin board.

We participate in the Missouri Department of Health’s Child Care Food Program (CCFP). Each meal claimed for reimbursement must meet the CCFP guidelines. In order to withhold or substitute any foods that the child may have a reaction to, the center is required to keep on file the following information. A note from a recognized medical authority which specifies:

The food or foods to be omitted from the child’s diet.

The food or choice of several foods that may be substituted.



State licensing requires, for the protection of all the children, that your child must be kept home if they show or develop during the day any of the following symptoms:

–          A temperature of over 100 degrees orally

–          A constant cough, wheezing, nasal discharge, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea

–          Sore or discharging eyes or ear

–          Any undiagnosed rash



Please notify the director at once if your child does have a communicable disease. If he/she develops any signs of the above, we will isolate your child for illness, call and ask you to come within the hour to take them home. If the child is not picked up within the hour and the illness or injury needs immediate attention the child will be sent by ambulance to the Liberty Hospital Emergency Room for treatment. Liberty Christian Church Early Education Center is not responsible for ambulance fees.



Generally speaking, a child healthy enough to attend the center is considered healthy enough to participate in playground and physical exercises. To have a sedentary activity substituted for a physical activity, a daily written note from the parent stating the reasons must be presented to the teacher. After three consecutive days, a note from the doctor indicating the duration of exclusion will be required.



The Department of Health has issued state licensing rules for the administration of medication. Our staff can only administer prescription medicine under the following conditions. The prescription medication shall be in the ORIGINAL container with a prescription label stating the following information:

1. Child’s name

2. Instructions for administration

3. Amount and time for dosages

4. Physician’s name


Non-prescription medication may be administered by our staff members if we have an authorization by a physician in writing. All non-prescription medication shall be in the ORIGINAL container and labeled by the parents with the following information:

1. Child’s name

2. Instructions for administration

3. Amount and time for dosages

A Medication Authorization form may be obtained from the staff and must be signed by the parent or guardian giving permission for staff to administer injectable medication. The staff will not be responsible for administering medication, arrangements must be made by the parent or guardian. Please keep medication to be dispensed at the center to a minimum.



We believe in developmentally appropriate practice which means simply that educators need to think first about the developmental needs of the child an then create an environment. The environment is prepared in such a way that, as the child interacts within it, he or she is prompted toward sensory experiences, experimentation, and arrival at conceptual conclusions.

Included with the creation of environment we also believe in the power of play. Children at play are actively involved in creating themes, exploring and establishing environments, solving problems and developing shared ideas. Active learning takes advantage of children’s natural desire to move and touch. We organize the classroom environment to promote active learning in which children use all their sense to make discoveries.

Children thrive when they have opportunities every day to make choices in their learning. Children use materials and equipment in far more creative and innovative ways than we could ever plan and they use the materials in ways that meet their own developmental needs.

Young children tend to be more involved with the process than they are with the end product or result. That is why instead of a craft project we have paper, scissors, paint, markers, glue and a variety of other material to choose from and are available in our classrooms. Our art projects focus upon the process the child chooses rather than the end result.

The outdoor environment is an extension of the classroom. Daily outdoor play is relaxing, stress-reducing, tension relieving part of the day and a time when development and learning takes place. It is healthy for children and required by state regulations that the children are taken out daily. The exception is during extreme weather conditions.

The preceding beliefs and following guidelines are meant to share ideas, not to limit new ideas. We try to create a safe environment but try not to create a restrictive environment with too many rules.

To create a quality program for the children our ideas need to grow and change. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the information, please feel free to ask. We encourage new ideas and suggestions so please discuss with the staff any thoughts you may have.



Goal 1: To build positive, trusting relationships with our children, families and co-workers.

Goal 2: To plan and manage a developmentally appropriate program.

Goal 3: To provide activities and routine to promote children’s development and learning.

Goal 4: To participate in training to continue learning about children, families, and the field of early childhood education.

Goal 5: To be respectful, ethical and maintain professional standards.

Goal 6: To advocate by educating and working with the community regarding the need for high standards and quality programs for young children.



