
Exploration (2 – 3 years old)

Click here to view the daily Exploration schedule.

Two and three year old children are naturally curious.  They love to explore their environment.  We love to set up the housekeeping area and provide other props to encourage pretend play.  This allows the children to explore the roles and activities of the important people in their lives.  By offering new activities and socializing with their friends the children’s language develops very rapidly during this time.

Our program is designed to stimulate curiosity through the five senses.  Children love to touch, smell, taste, hear, and see.  When your child uses their hands, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth to explore an item, they gather more information and remember what they learn.

Our classrooms provide a safe, healthy environment that contains a variety of toys and materials that are stimulating to a young child. Children need to be free to move around, explore, and experiment

It is important to respond to a child’s needs immediately and appropriately.  Our caregivers know that children need to be held, rocked, and comforted during the day. We provide a low student-staff ratio of one staff member for every five children.


Exploration Classroom

We encourage your child to become a budding artist by providing an assortment of art materials.  They love to finger-paint , draw, color, and paint using different size objects.  Our children learn from a variety of art experiences that provide positive, satisfying experiences.

Children are learning all the time and we allow them to be involved with the process instead of being concerned about what the product will be.  For instance, practice pouring water or rice between pitchers.  They may want to string or unstring beads.  Our teachers like to work with your child to encourage them to try new activities. They begin to transform objects into symbols such as a simple block becomes a truck and we encourage the children to use their imaginations.

Our staff is happy to share news of the day with each child’s family when they arrive to pick up the child.

It is sometimes difficult for  children this age to express their feelings.  Our teachers acknowledge and accept the children’s feelings and give them support by listening and letting them cuddle in our laps when they need someone to care or listen.  We want to provide a loving environment for your child to grow.
