Outdoor Play

Children love to play outside and it is a time when development and learning take place.  Our large play structures encourage our children to develop their motor skills and judgment about what they can safely do.  Our children ride trikes which develop balance and coordination.  We may set up many different sizes of balls, mats, and other equipment to develop the child’s gross motor skills.  Children learn about the world around them by observing living things such as worms and insects.  We use the outdoor area to teach about changing seasons.  The outdoor environment is an extension of the classroom.


We also enjoy bringing classroom equipment outside to enrich the outdoor environment.  One day you might see our children riding their trikes across bubble wrap covered with paint and popping paint on the papers.  Another day you might notice our children bathing their baby dolls in the water table and taking them for strolls around the playground.


Not only do our children practice important physical skills which strengthen muscles, they also practice their social skills, such as taking turns and cooperation.


Come play on our new, age-appropriate outdoor play area which is designed to be safe for our young children.  The time that our children spend together outside is a valuable part of our daily schedule.
